Cloud Native News - CNN21/18
2 min read

Cloud Native News - CNN21/18

About KubeCon highlights, ebpf on Windows, a Security Metrics initiative, and effective use of CoreDNS in Kubernetes...
Cloud Native News - CNN21/18

CNCF Community & Industry

  • Announcing the Cloud Native Glossary
    "CNCF is excited to announce the new CNCF Cloud Native Glossary Project, which is intended to be used as a reference for the common terms used when talking about cloud native applications." - as a consultant; I realize every day again: common language is key to effective communication :)
  • CNCF LFX Projects are Open for Summer 2021 – Apply by May 17th!
    The Summer Term of LFX from June 1st – August 31st includes 13 Graduated, Incubating, and Sandbox projects. As an initiative from the CNCF, the LFX program should bring new open-source interested individuals to their projects. The program introduces you to open source development, approaches taken by the projects, and give you all tools to deep dive into some of the latest development.
  • KubeCon EU 2021: Developers, Developers, Developers (and Control Planes)
    Key takeaways from the most recent Virtual KubeCon + CloudNativeCon - a nice little (subjective) summary by the folks of Ambassador Labs.

Containers & Orchestration

  • Docker, Kaniko, Buildah. Different ways to build container…
    There are more ways to build containers than to rely and run on Docker. Meet some different approaches, how they differentiate and why you should consider skipping option one.
  • The AKS Checklist
    The Azure AKS checklist guides you through many possible decisions and configurations you have to consider when setting up the managed Kubernetes. The checklist supports you in your process from the pretty obvious cluster setup over to image management, disaster recovery, or multi-tenancy. You even can get a report out of it.
  • Open Policy Agent: The Top 5 Kubernetes Admission Control Policies
    I think it is a good idea for Styra to show practical examples of OPA and its use of rego. This article gives some inspiration on common Kubernetes policies.


  • Introducing the Security Metrics Initiative
    The Open Source Security Foundation introduces the security metrics initiative, which provides valuable decisive information about threats and risks associated with open source projects.


  • Pixie gets donated to CNCF
    New Relic announced that they are in the process of donating Pixie, a tool to troubleshoot your applications on Kubernetes, to the CNCF. Pixie is already published under the Apache 2.0 License, and definitely should be checked out if you develop applications on Kubernetes!
  • Kubernetes Controller Configuration Patterns
    "Program against Kubernetes API to either leverage or extend Kubernetes. Learn how to configure your Kubernetes controller with best practices in industry."
  • eBPF comes to Windows
    The ebpf-for-windows project brings the power of eBPF to Windows users and is intended to reside in a community-governed foundation in the eBPF ecosystem eventually. eBPF runs on Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016 and later.


Photo by Brittani Burns on Unsplash