Cloud Native News - CNN26
2 min read

Cloud Native News - CNN26

Open Source Summit, KubeCon Schedule is out, 15.000 node Clusters, cross-cluster traffic mirroring with istio, Cilium 1.8 release
Cloud Native News - CNN26

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Processes / Guides / Articles


  • Cilium 1.8
    Comes with a huge load of new features and improvements: eXpress Data Path (XDP) Load Balancing support, Cluster-wide Flow API, performance optimizations across the board, better policy visibility and control and so on.
  • Thanos 0.13
    A whole bunch of fixes improve the general stability of Thanos. Also the querier performance has increased.
  • D2IQ: KUDO for Kubeflow
    Brings you a secure, scalable and portable deployment of Kubeflow. The predefined configurations and deployments cover best practices and prevent, like happened in many cases the last months, the exposure of dashboard to the internet.

Photo by Jonas Jacobsson on Unsplash