Cloud Native News - CNN21/31

CNCF & Community

Kubernetes 1.22: Reaching New Peaks released!
This release consists of 53 enhancements: 13 enhancements have graduated to stable, 24 enhancements are moving to beta, and 16 enhancements are entering alpha. Also, three features have been deprecated.

KubeCon + CloudNativeCon NA Schedule is available
KubeCon+CloudNativeCon will take place on October 11-15 in Los Angeles. The schedule for the in-person and virtual conference is now live!


Kubernetes CI/CD with Tekton and ArgoCD
In this article, you will learn how to configure the CI/CD process on Kubernetes using Tekton and ArgoCD. Since Tekton is a cloud-native CI/CD tool you may use only it to build your pipelines on Kubernetes. The CD process should react to changes in this configuration, and then apply them to the Kubernetes cluster. Here comes Argo CD.


Build, Publish, and Install Crossplane Package
Crossplane packages are opinionated OCI images that contain a stream of YAML that can be parsed by the Crossplane package manager. It can be pushed to and pulled from any OCI-compatible registry, such as Docker Hub. Crossplane is a CNCF sandbox project which can extend the Kubernetes API to manage and compose infrastructure.


Kubernetes Probes — Never let your production environment go down during deployment
Kubernetes comes with multiple different probes which support your application deployment and service readiness. Setting up and configure them right is crucial for the stability of your app deployment.

Building a Highly Available Kubernetes Operator Using Golang
Operators are extensions of Kubernetes that handle custom resource definitions (CRDs) to deal with specific use cases of our application. When a task operating in a Kubernetes cluster becomes repetitive, it probably means that we are not taking advantage of all the features that Kubernetes offers, because it is designed for automation. Let's learn to write one!

Containers & Orchestration

How to improve your Docker containers security
Containers are no security devices. That's why this curated set of easily actionable recommendations to improve your Docker containers security was crafted. Check out the one-page cheat sheet.

Cluster API Offers a Way to Manage Multiple Kubernetes Deployments
Everyone using Kubernetes starts with a single cluster, but almost everyone expands to multiple clusters — and as the recent end-user Technology Radar survey shows, multicluster management is still complicated and fragmented. Today, most organizations have to use multiple tools like Helm, Kustomize, GitOps tools like Argo and Flux, a variety of operators, and even…

Feature Blog - Kubernetes 1.22: Server Side Apply moves to GA
Server-side Apply is a new merging algorithm, as well as tracking of field ownership, running on the Kubernetes api-server. Server-side Apply enables new features like conflict detection, so the system knows when two actors are trying to edit the same field.

How to use Azure Arc-enabled Kubernetes, step by step
A comprehensive guide to set up Azure Arc-Kubernetes and to configure, govern and monitor your clusters.


One-Step Ingress. Secure and Connect Microservices using on single command
"One-Step Ingress provides an opportunity to make Ingress extremely simple to understand and operate. It cuts down the number of artifacts required to configure service connectivity and policy options."

Data & Storage

Resizing StatefulSet Persistent Volumes with zero downtime
Although resizing a StatefulSet volume is not supported by default by Kubernetes (there's currently an open PR for it) this workaround helps to achieve the goal with zero downtime.


A Guide to Kubernetes Chargeback
Kubernetes runs often short living containers, most likely able to be executed in different data center/locations, asbtracting away the given infrastructure. Larger corporates running this environments, standing in front of the challange of charging the ressource consumption correctly. This blog will show you some fundamental concepts and how to make costs transparent with kubecost.


Encrypt your Kubernetes Secrets with Mozilla SOPS
Do you want to store your Kubernetes secrets in git? Learn how to encrypt and decrypt your secrets with Mozilla SOPS and Azure Key Vault.

Photo by Visual Stories || Micheile on Unsplash