Cloud Native News - CNN44

Containers & Orchestration


  • 10 most common mistakes using terraform
    Terraform is a powerful tool for infrastructure definitions. Unfortunately, it can have its quirks: especially project organization is often a tricky topic. A couple of common (beginner) mistakes are listed in the article written by Marek Bartik.



  • Mayastor: Lightning Fast Storage for Kubernetes
    Mayastor is the latest OpenEBS storage engine by Mayadata and comes with an incredible speed. The SPDK based engine is specialized for NVMe devices and can easily handle system oversized data with ease. Read more about Brians's results and what Mayastor can handle.


  • KEDA 2.0 - Taking app autoscaling to the next level
    Kubernetes Event-Driven Autoscaling (KEDA) progresses in its evolution after getting accepted as a Sandbox project earlier this year at the CNCF. With KEDA 2.0, the community split the scalable resources in ScaledObject and ScaledJob. What catches us more are the multiple triggers for a single source. This means different event streams can scale your application up.


  • CNCF Releases Free Training Course Covering Basics of Service Mesh with Linkerd
    Do your first steps with Linkerd with this free online course brought to you by the CNCF and Buoyant. Buoyant develop Linkerd with the target to bring you a fast, reliable, and simple Service Mesh. It is a good starting point if you see the need to increase your platform's capabilities or need further security enhancements.
  • Cilium 1.9: Maglev, OpenShift, HA Cilium Operator
    What is Maglev? A hashing algorithm for the back-end selection of Cilium's eBPF-based north-south load balancer significantly reduces CPU overhead to handle millions of packages effectively. We also have to mention the OpenShift support and the high availability update of the Cilium operator.


  • A Guide to Linux Operating Systems for Kubernetes
    Yet, most OS carry a massive overload of packages with them. In production environments, this leads to an additional operational effort to ensure proper hardening and minimize the risk of interference. Managed service providers saw the need to optimize their images for the containerized workload. This trend moved on to different vendors for edge deployment, hypervisor, or general solution like Talos OS.

Photo by Waldemar Brandt on Unsplash