Cloud Native News - CNN33

Happy KubeCon everyone!

CNCF & Community

Container Orchestration

  • Why the Kubernetes Scheduler Is Not Enough for Your AI Workloads
    When it comes to AI/ML workload on Kubernetes, we enter a particular area with multiple challenges. A specific problem is that more holistic scheduling is required for AI workload instead of the vanilla reactive, event-driven scheduling.
  • Extending Kubernetes to an unlimited one through tensile-kube
    tensile-kube enables kubernetes clusters to work together. Based on virtual kubelet, it gives access from a "higer" K8s cluster to "lower" K8s cluster. Through this bypass tensible allows to discover cluster resources, supports kubectl cross clusters, globally schedule pods and so on.
  • Introducing Hierarchical Namespaces
    Hierarchical namespaces are a new concept developed by the Kubernetes Working Group for Multi-Tenancy (wg-multitenancy) in order to solve some problems with namespaces and the cluster usage. In its simplest form, a hierarchical namespace is a regular Kubernetes namespace that contains a small custom resource that identifies a single, optional, parent namespace.


  • olric v0.3.0
    Meet olric! A distributed cache and in-memory key/value data store. It can be used both as an embedded Go library and as a language-independent service. With Olric, you can instantly create a fast, scalable, shared pool of RAM across a cluster of computers.

Cloud Native Industry


  • a new how to learn about eBPF
    Cilium, the eBPF based CNI, throw together their knowledge of eBPF and bring it to a new home. gives a strong introduction and overview of other eBPF projects.

  • Envoy 1.15 introduces a new Postgres extension with monitoring support
    Postgres is one of the most popular open source database out there. Now Envoy 1.15 comes with a dedicated plugin to support the monitoring of PSQL. What do you think, is it so much needed? Changing the purposed of Envoy? Or is it a logical step through its evolution?


Photo by Caspar Camille Rubin on Unsplash