Cloud Native News - CNN31

Community (CNCF, LF, CD)

Container Orchestration

Observability & Telemetry

  • How block storage in Cortex reduces operational complexity for running Prometheus at massive scale‌‌
    While Cortex runs massive scaled observability clusters, and does this blazing fast for millions over millions of entries; the internal complexity increases as well as by the current implementation many new features are blocked. Now, the community introduces the usage of block storage and two new components that solve some of their issues.
  • Logging in Kubernetes: EFK vs PLG Stack‌‌
    The EFK (ELK) stack is for many years the default setup for logging infrastructure. However, since Grafana Loki enters the game, the momentum can turn. This short comparison gives you a good comprehensive overview and when which solutions fit best.

Cloud Native Development

  • UPDATE: UBER DELETED ORIGINAL POST - Introducing Domain-Oriented Microservice Architecture
    Uber moved a couple of years ago from their monolithic architecture over to a microservice architecture but lately discovered a difficult to manage complexity. Therefore Uber developed the Domain-Oriented Microservice Architecture, which logically outlines services with high cohesion and packs them together into layers that have clearly described interfaces. No innovation, but a great approach!



  • Baremetal Loadbalancer Porter‌‌
    Porter is an open source load balancer designed for bare metal Kubernetes clusters. It's implemented by a physical switch and uses BGP and ECMP to achieve the best performance and high availability.
  • How we migrated Dropbox from Nginx to Envoy‌‌
    Dropbox is on their way to migrate from Nginx to Envoy for many reasons, read about their journey and why you should think about it too.


  • kvdi‌‌
    A Kubernetes-native Virtual Desktop Infrastructure