Cloud Native News - CNN30

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Community (CNCF, LF, CD)

Container Orchestration


Observability & Telemetry


  • Certificate management on Kubernetes
    With the ACME protocol you can automate the CA creation, signing and injection. Having this done manually leads fast to expired certificates and is impossible to handle with scaling application deployments.
  • Certificate management on Istio
    Istio is one of the service mesh to probably go to. One of the key features is the mTLS encryption of the network communication. Understand how to automate the creation and rolling of CA for your K8s clusters.
  • Under the hood of Linkerd's state-of-the-art Rust proxy, Linkerd2-proxy
    The linkerd2-proxy is designed for one and only one target to be a service mesh sidecar proxy, as it is a critical if not the critical component of a service mesh. Its blazing fast, written in Rust and highly reliable, have a check about Linkerd2 little secret!

Automation & Deployment

  • Kubernetes helm gotchas that will drive you mad
    Spoiling the concluding sentences: "So before you go and think of opening a bug report on the helm repo, do yourself a favor and do anything except that. You will be a happier person because of it. Just figure out the workaround and pray for the day when helm is a long-forgotten memory."
  • Open Application Model: Carving building blocks for Platforms
    The OAM designs an approach to split the deployment YAML for a K8s App in multiple sections managed by different roles with different interests.

Data, Storage & Co


Photo by Daniel Korpai on Unsplash