Cloud Native News - CNN27
3 min read

Cloud Native News - CNN27

LitmusChaos joins the CNCF Sandbox, How Cilium protects against common network attacks, Kubernetes Operator explained, CNCF Meetups and K8s Community Days merge into Cloud Native Community Groups CNCG
Cloud Native News - CNN27

CNCF & Community

  • Introducing Cloud Native Community Groups!
    CNCF Meetup Groups and the Kubernetes Community Days program have been combined to "Cloud Native Community Groups (CNCG)". "CNCGs provide an easy way to host a community meetup or cloud native event. These events provide a great way to connect with other community members who are interested in all things cloud native, all over the world."
  • LitmusChaos in CNCF Sandbox
    Open Source Kubernetes-Chaos Engineering tool Litmus is now a CNCF Sandbox project.

Processes / Guides / Articles


  • A Journey building a fast JSON parser and full JSONPath, Oj for Go
    "This is a tale of journey that ended with a Parser that leaves the Go JSON parser in the dust and resulted in some useful tools including a complete and efficient JSONPath implementation."
  • konstraint
    A policy management tool for interacting with Gatekeeper
  • starboard
    The Kubernetes-Native Toolkit for Unifying Security.
  • Checkov
    An IaC analysis tool to scan Kubernetes manifests and identify security and configuration issues in Kubernetes workloads.

How to quarantine your pods - via learnk8s

Photo by bert sz on Unsplash