Cloud Native News - CNN25

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Processes / Guides / Articles


  • Kubernetes Goat
    A Kubernetes cluster, intentionally designed to be vulnerable to practice Kubernetes security. The corresponding documentation guides through a couple of vulnerable spots.
  • podtnl
    "A Powerful CLI that makes your pod available to online without exposing a k8 service"
  • CoreDNS 1.7
    The new CoreDNS housekeeping release removes Kubernetes related plugins and improves metric naming. It is worth mentioning that this is, therefore, a backwards incompatible release.
  • Kube2Hadoop
    "Offline training jobs on Kubernetes, such as TensorFlow or Spark jobs need secure access to datalake like HDFS. However, there exists a gap between the security model of Kubernetes and Hadoop. Kube2Hadoop bridges this gap by providing a scalable and secure integration of Kubernetes and HDFS Kerberos."


Course notes to Certified Kubernetes Administrator exam CKA
Redditor Adnan Rashid published his CKA course notes, including diagrams for each subject area. A useful reference for future refresher.

The German Corona Warning App is out since this week
After two days, it already had round about 10 million downloads. Nicolai Parlog went through its (outstanding!) open source documentation and pointed out some interesting details. One of which: the backend is hosted on Kubernetes.

Photo by Carlos Muza on Unsplash