Cloud Native News - CNN20

CNCF & Community

  • K3s has been submitted for inclusion to CNCF Sandbox
    Rancher proposed K3s for CNCF sandbox. While nothing is decided yet, this is an exciting discussion as K3s advertises itself as a "Kubernetes distribution". Are Kubernetes distributions valid CNCF projects? What does this mean for other distributions? Is K3s even a "distribution"? I have no answers, but following the discussion with interest.
  • Call to Participate: 1H 2020 CNCF Cloud Native Survey
    "The goal of this survey is to capture the current state of Kubernetes, CNCF projects, and cloud-native technologies including service mesh, serverless, and storage." - we highly encourage everyone to participate!
  • Jetstack and Venafi join forces to bring Machine Identity Protection to the cloud-native stack
    "Jetstack will continue to operate independently, backed by Venafi. We will now accelerate our plans and that means growing our field and product engineering teams and contributing more to the open-source community. More engineering and support to the cert-manager project itself, but also working with projects across the ecosystem on open source and open standards."
  • GrafanaCon 2020
    Like so many conferences this year, GrafanaCon kicked off this week with a live streaming event. As a virtual conference, the next two weeks also offer quite a few interesting talks!
  • VMware to acquire Kubernetes security startup Octarine and fold it into Carbon Black
    VMware announced today that it intends to buy early-stage Kubernetes security startup Octarine. Octarine was founded in 2017 and has raised $9 million - the price of the acquisition has not been revealed.

Processes / Guides / Articles


  • cdk8s
    Define Kubernetes native apps and abstractions using familiar programming languages
  • Harbor 2.0 takes a giant leap in expanding supported artifacts with OCI support
    Harbor hits 2.0! - "This release makes Harbor the first OCI-compliant open-source registry capable of storing a multitude of cloud-native artifacts like container images, Helm charts, OPAs, Singularity, and much more."
  • Cert-manager v0.15 and beyond
    Cert-manager is an extremely popular and successful solution for automatic provisioning and management of TLS certificates. While it hits a significant release, Jetstack also gives an outline of the future development direction.
  • Introducing multi-architecture container images for Amazon ECR
    Before today, container images had to be published and deployed to Amazon ECR using architecture-specific naming conventions, complicating some aspects of the image lifecycle. AWS is announced multi-architecture container images for Amazon ECR. This is a much-anticipated feature that makes it simpler to deploy container images for different architectures and operating systems from the same image repository.
  • VPC Studio
    "Specify a CIDR range, express your desired design, sit back and enjoy a cup of ☕" - with outputs for Terraform and Pulumi!
  • Kubestack Framework
    "This tutorial will help you set up a complete GitOps lab on your local machine. Including Kubernetes nodes running as Docker containers using Kubernetes in Docker (KinD) and optionally even a local pipeline triggered using Git hooks."

Photo by Antoine Petitteville on Unsplash